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About ShareYourFeels

The Feels is an initiative of Dr. Roberta L Woodgate, a professor and researcher at the College of Nursing, University of Manitoba. Roberta works with young people to understand their experiences of health and illness in order to improve health care services in Canada for children and youth. A large part of this work is leading research projects that aim to improve access and quality of mental health services for youth and participants in these projects suggested an online approach to mental health promotion, and so began The Feels.

Young people with lived experience serve as the co-researchers and co-designers of The Feels, guiding the development of the website and its content. The website will be continually updated based on the recommendations of the Youth Advisory Committee.

If you are interested in being part of the Youth Advisory Committee, please contact: pauline.tennent@umanitoba.ca

If you would like to submit content to be posted on the website, please see: [link to submission page]

logo of IN-GAUGE research program Dr. Roberta L. Woodgate’s research program, IN•GAUGE, embraces a dynamic approach to: involve children, youth and families; interact with researchers and knowledge users in the research, intervention and evaluation process; and be innovative in the use and exchange of knowledge with the combined goal of improving health care/access to care and quality of life for children, youth and families. Overall, her research challenges existing notions of how children and youth experience health and illness.


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